Focus on your Purpose, not your Problem

Where’s your head at?

Are you carrying a lot of weight? No, not body weight, mental weight.  Do you put expectations on yourself that steer you away from your path of purpose? Is it easier to see the burden and not the blessings? It can be. We get it.  Having an attitude of gratitude is something that takes practice. Just like you work out your biceps, you need to work out your brain.

How do you fix a flabby attitude? Focus on your purpose; find your why. When you stay focused on your purpose, not your problem, happiness and satisfaction will bubble to the surface.

What do you believe is your purpose in life? Focus on it.

What fulfills you and brings you joy? Make it a part of your daily life.

What re-fills your tank? Soak it up!

What are you most grateful for? Count those blessings!

If you had all the time in the world and money was no object, how would you invest your time?

What distractions are derailing all those things you just thought about.

Is it pain?

Is it low energy?

Is it an injury or illness?

Is it a heavy heart?

Is it a lack of sleep?

Is it a lack of determination?

What’s in your way?

At Rejuv Medical, our team of health coaches can help you focus on your nutrition as well as your state of mind.

We can help decrease pain and increase self-confidence.

We can help decrease your blues and increase your energy.

We can help you lose both physical and mental weight while helping you gain strength, endurance and confidence. We can help you put those sleepless nights behind you and create new healthy habits for life.

If you feel like you’ve lost focus and aren’t living your best life, check into Rejuv Medical’s deep well of resources to see if we can help get you back on track!

Want to learn more about Health Coaching? Keep reading! Our Integration Specialist Kirsten sat down and interviewed Jen, our Wellness Director and one of our Health Coaches to learn more.  Find out how you can receive a complimentary 30-minute consultation with a member of the Health Coaching team to get you back on the fast track to success in your health and wellness journey. 

So we just talked about focusing on your purpose, not your problem and facing the day with an attitude of gratitude. Sometimes that’s easier said than done though right?

If you feel like every day is an uphill battle of the mind, we’re here to help!

A really great way to get started on your mental wellness journey is by curling up with a feel-good be-better book. There are a ton of great reads out there but here are some that are a bit off the grid that we think are pretty relatable:

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg takes you through the process of what happens to your brain activity when you practice breaking bad – bad habits that is — such as smoking or overeating. Best of all, he found out if you change one, you can change them all!

Gretchen Rubin took a year to study happiness in depth and shares her secrets to finding balance in life in her book, The Happiness Project.

Our very own Dr. Joel Baumgartner recently wrote Regenerate, a book about the body’s ability to heal itself to eliminate pain and reverse chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease — and guess where that starts? MINDSET!

Another way Rejuv Medical can be a resource for a healthy MINDSET is through health coaching. Did you know you could spend some free time (Yes, we mean FREE time as in a 30-minute complimentary conversation!) with one of our health coaches here and see if they can help unearth what’s weighing on your mind?

I wanted to know more, so I sat down with Jen Flynn, our Wellness Director who is also one of our health coaches, to see what she had to say about the benefits of health coaching at Rejuv:

Kirsten: What is health coaching?

Jen: Health coaching digs deep into what is going on in your personal body. From head to toe, everyone is unique and has a unique blueprint. We can give you answers to what is actually going on in your mind and in your body and why. Then we work to fix it with simple food.

Kirsten: It seems like it would be hard for people make up their mind about what’s best for their nutrition with all the conflicting fad diets out there. How do you clearly navigate all the nutrition messages?

Jen: There are so many nutrition variations! Keto, Whole 30, paleo, vegan, gluten-free, shake shops – we are bombarded with the next best thing in how you should nourish your body. It can be mind-boggling. Today, we are faced with more nutrition, weight loss and health advice and promises than ever before. People do get confused over what works for weight loss or to what is best to benefit their health. Often they try what their friend has tried or what a computer ad with a perfectly proportioned fitness model advises them to do. Sure, they may lose 10 pounds, only to get stuck there with no more movement in sight, or yo-yo forever, never really gaining any ground.

Kirsten: That would be frustrating. So where does Rejuv come in?

Jen: Our team of health and wellness coaches don’t rely on gimmicks, fads or what’s popular today. We put a stop to plateaus, give clear direction on how to make your goal a reality and make sure you have the tools to keep the weight off. We help you change from the inside out. Imagine learning what gives your body more energy or what food you may be sensitive to. What would it mean to you if you finally realized why you always wake up at 2 am and are now able to fix it? Or why on your drive home from work, you get easily agitated or have headaches? Those are the questions we help answer to put your mind at ease.

Ready to see what your body has to say? Simply set up set up a complimentary in-person or phone appointment with a Rejuv Medical Health Coach by  e-mailing the team directly at: